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(1 edit)

man i dont know who you are but keep it up these are amazing little games i love to play them you clearly put work in them cant wait to she you grow and these games become even better good job dude


Thank you.

The graphics are so beautiful!

Thank you.


Thanks my brother keep going I appreciate your effort


Thank you.

no problem just continue the games are too great


Do you mind sharing the project files of this game for me to improve on it?

I am a Solo triple A game developer and I have 25 years' worth of experience. I would love to make it more cinematic, improve the story and Enemy AI along with some environmental elements,

such as sound and Animations,

If you don't mind.

this is just for fun I love doing this kind of things.

I will not be collecting any money for this; I just love improving potential templates like this one.

so, if you don't mind reply and I will get back to you when I can. 


Do you have any experience in Unreal 5?

No, I paid to get my own game engine built for me.
it's called LUCIDITY, But I also have a lot of experience in Unity3D.  I learnt it withing the 4 years 7 months it took to build Mine and it's quite nice actually,
Besides that, I have worked with a couple of other Game studios, of which I am not allowed to disclose.


Damn... That has got to be super expensive! But nice!

I was thinking about building my own engine but their are just so many now so i use Unreal for Pc and consoles and Gdevelop for mobile and WebGL ๐Ÿ˜€

Thats cool, I think i will start learning Unreal it seems to be the hype of game engines for the past 2 to 4 years now after Nanite and the other stuff came out, it's moving fast perhaps i can catch up and start using it to develop who knows? I might even move my present project from Lucidity there, 
It's seems to be quite easy to learn actually.


it's not a bad engine to learn

I will also dare to say thay is easier than unity at the moment because of visual scripting ๐Ÿ˜€